Digesil 1000 722 Sealant Remover and Polyurethane Foam Remover

Solvent for Polyurethane and other polymers 

Digesil® 1000 sealant remover is designed for the quick removal of uncured and cured polyurethane foam/sealant, adhesives and other polymers. It will also dissolve acrylic sealant, partially cured polysulphide sealants and debond hot melt butyl.

    - Strong adhesive remover
    - Effectively dissolves cured polyurethane foam/sealant
    - Biodegradable and thus environmentally friendly
    - Moderate flashpoint
    - Slow evaporation rate reducing risk vapours and product loss
    - Also dissolves acrylic sealants, partially cured polysulphide sealants and debonds hot melt butyl
    - Does not contain any chlorinated, halogenated or aromatic solvents
    - Does not contain NMP, NEP, BLO or orange terpenes


Method of Use



Polyurethane and other polymers 

Use neat, no need to dilute 

Immersion method: Immerse the parts to be cleaned in Digesil® 1000 and leave until the polymer has dissolved. The action starts immediately but the length of time required will depend on the thickness of the polymer. 

If the parts can be moved or the solution agitated with a paddle or pump, then the immersion time will be dramatically reduced. 

Dispensing equipment etc: Fill the equipment with Digesil® 1000 and circulate. 

Thin layers: Thin layers may be removed by applying Digesil® 1000 with a cloth or brush and agitating. 

In all three cases rinse with alcohol or water to remove residue. 

Appearance Clear, mobile liquid 

Colour Water white 

Flash point 49 C 

SG 0.93 to 0.95 

Replaces many hazardous or environmentally unsound solvents. 

We advise that any rinse off or unused material is collected and disposed of via a certified chemical waste disposal company. 

Contact us Today

Call us on +44(0)14 9479 2803