StopSil 105 Silicone Cleaner

Water-based wax room silicone oil cleaner

Silicone is very often the mould release agent of choice in the wax room. A high performance, cost-effective, lubricant. However, silicone has a propensity to migrate to other machine parts, floors and walls. Creating tacky work surfaces and floor slip hazards.

StopSil’s specialist formulation uses safer aqueous chemistry to quickly and efficiently remove silicone residues from floors, machines and tools. 

    •             Water based
    •             Non-flammable
    •             Low foam – ideal for floor scrubbing machines
    •             No halogens No aromatics No phosphates
    •             Wide range of applications. Will also remove oils and greases.


Method of Use



Wax room silicone oil cleaner
Supplied as a concentrate. Make up a 10% solution with fresh water.
Apply the dilute StopSil by scrub or mop as convenient. Use a scrubbing machine for large areas.
The use of hot water will improve performance. Can be used at up to 70C.
Rinse with fresh water if required.
Appearance Clear, mobile liquid
Colour   Straw 
pH 12.5 to 13.0 
SG 1.04 

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