Trisol 60 Plus EP1

Wax Pattern Wash

Trisol 60 Plus is a combination of biodegradable emulsifiers and very high purity dearomatised hydrocarbons. Trisol pattern wash quickly and effectively removes mould agents, while improving prime-coat adhesion and final surface finish through imparting a micro-etch. This can aid in reduction of prime coat separation on complex patterns and large surfaces.

    • Superior Wax Substrate – provides easy adhesion for prime coats, and adhesion to the surface.
    • Non-Flammable
    • Very Mild Odour
    • Blend of Dearomatised Hydrocarbons and Biodegradable Emulsifiers


Method of Use



Wax pattern wash
Trisol 60 Plus should be used undiluted in an immersion tank. A simple water rinse is then all that is required to complete the process. For best results, a two-stage rinse with a counter-flow backwash may be considered. Maintaining the rinse tanks at around 20°C will also improve performance. Tank aeration is not required. Extraction is not required.
The wax pattern should be fully immersed in the Trisol 60 Plus for 5-10 seconds, allowed to drain, then carefully rinsed. Allow to air dry and then proceed to prime coat.
Tank fabrication is usually of polyethylene plastic, or stainless steel may also be considered.
Water ingress to the Trisol 60 Plus tank should be avoided.
Appearance Clear liquid
pH Not applicable
Flammability Non-flammable 
Odour  Very mild
Density 0.8 
Solubility in water  Emulsifiable

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